A one-woman show

where a poet's journey

collides with television

Deep Skies takes us on a multi-media journey into the life of American author and poet Sylvia Plath. The show focuses on her struggle to simultaneously be a "normal" woman and an individualistic artist during the 1950s. This struggle is told through a unique perspective:  the way women were represented on television then and now. Ultimately, this innovative, tragicomic show allows us to viscerally experience how Plath's aspirations and those of society collided, to suffocate and doom her.

The show premiered at the 2014 Israel Festival, presented at the 2015 Holon International Women's Festival, and got picked by Israel's biggest and most important fringe theatre, Tmuna, where it performs regularly.

In 2017, it was nominated for best monodrama at The Golden Hedgehog Fringe Theatre Awards.